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Demand more from corporate Australia on International Womens Day

If you want Corporate Australia to get serious about ending gender inequality, sign our petition here!

Every International Womens Day is the same:

  • all-male leadership panels encouraging us to "lean in"
  • brands with massive gender pay gaps tweeting fluffy-feel-good #IWD posts
  • employers with persistent issues of workplace harassment holding morning teas instead of addressing their real hazards

Enough is enough.

Companies need to get real. Stop using NDAs to silence women, be transparent and fix their gender pay gaps, and close the superannuation gap by paying super on parental leave!

This year, we want Australian business to take real action.

Corporate Australia: we don't want cupcakes - prove your commitment to gender equality by stopping sexual harassment cover ups, ending wage inequality and offering real, flexible work arrangements for women who disproportionately shoulder caring responsibilities.

Tell Corporate Australia it's time they step up and lead! Sign our petition.
