Women's Rights at Work Chat (WRAW Chat)
Women's Rights at Work Chats (WRAW Chats) are structured conversations that empower women to identify challenges that we face as women at work. Our relaunched WRAW Chat tools will allow you to speak about your experiences as women at work and develop concrete actions for change.
WRAW Chats have been taking place all over Victoria since 2016 and they've informed the campaign to end workplace gendered violence and the Organise for Equality campaign.
Participate in the conversation around gender equality. Host a WRAW Chat at a union meeting, in your workplace, a community hub or with your friends. You can host them face to face or online. A WRAW Chat only takes 45 minutes, but you'll come away with agreed actions your group will take collectively to improve their workplace.
WRAW Chat Materials
Download all three sheets and run a WRAW Chat.
WRAW Chat - Facilitator Guide: Download here.
WRAW Chat - Participant Guide: Download here.
Making Change Sheet: Download here.
Want to use a WRAW Chats for a particular issue or campaign? Try the editable Making Change sheet and add actions your group wants to take: Download here.
Online WRAW Chat guide
Here are some tips to help run an online WRAW Chat:
Before the WRAW Chat
- Send an email to participants with the WRAW Chat Guide and Making Change sheet.
- Create a google sheet or power point with 3 blank slides, titled Things We Like About Work, Things We Don’t Like About Work and Our Top Issues. Use these slides in place of butchers paper.
Starting the WRAW Chat
- Drop the link to the WRAW Chat survey in the meeting chat room: https://weareunion.typeform.com/to/np4ZaC55
- Ask participants to click the link and fill out the survey.
- Share your screen for steps 2, 3 and 4 on the Facilitator's Guide and update the Google Sheet / Powerpoint as you go.
Voting on the most important issues
- Step 4, Part A: Read out answers from What We Don’t Like About Work and get participants to raise hands for one vote and message chat if they wish to vote multiple times for an issue.
Taking action!
- Take a screenshot of participants agreeing to take action - be sure to send us the photo: [email protected]
- Ask participants to fill out the Making Change sheet with their agreed actions and email to facilitator.