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We Are Union VTHC
We Are Union Journal
News from the working class
What the Liberal Party has planned for your work rights

When Frydenberg’s Office Lost Their Minds at Our Mobile Billboard

Spurred to action by Josh Frydenberg's latest cheap crack at union members, thousands of working people chipped in to fund this unmissable billboard truck, which circled Frydenberg's electorate last week. His office were so spooked when it parked (legally) out the front, they called the cops who sent multiple units down, convinced it was a portent for A Large Demonstration. The cops interviewed yours truly and ascertained that this was in fact, merely a case of a legally-parked truck sporting eye-catching imagery. They said, ‘Have a great weekend’ and toddled off. 

billboard article-min.png

To add to the wonderful, a Twitter-famous data analyst covered the unfolding drama here and set the Twittersphere alight. 

A photo of the truck, showing a smug Scott Morrison declaring “I’ve had my vaccine!” even made it onto Reddit, where hundreds of people assumed the ad came from the PM himself... sparking further outrage from all quarters.

Either way, regardless of whether you knew it was brought to you by Vic unionists or thought it was tone-deaf Liberal Party propaganda - it was a marvellous result. And the fact that it provoked our folk on the right is a great litmus test for the punch of our messaging.

PS Working people chipped in to help make this happen. Head here to contribute to our fighting fund for future stunts like this, so we can all give the Liberals the boot this election.

Spurred to action by Josh Frydenberg's latest cheap crack at union members, thousands of working people chipped in to fund this unmissable billboard truck, which circled Frydenberg's electorate last week. His office were so spooked when it parked (legally) out the front, they called the cops who sent multiple units down.
