Master the skills of issue resolution and conflict management!
Learn how to prepare a compelling case for change, and understand the critical role of WorkSafe, and get the lowdown on escalation processes, Provisional Improvement Notices (PINs), and Directions to Cease Work.
This session was presented by Maeghan Flack.
Meaghan Flack is the OHS organiser for the Victorian branch of the AEU. Meaghan worked in the union movement for over 25 years, the majority of that time with the Australian Education Union. She worked as a Servicing Officer, Organiser and Campaigner before focussing wholly on health and safety six years ago. Meaghan works with hundreds of HSRs from schools, kindergartens and TAFEs from across Victoria, and represents AEU members in a variety of key stakeholder forums.
This event has concluded, follow this link for video recording of the live show:
OHS Basics Month 2024 - OHS Reps