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We Are Union VTHC
OHS Basics Month: Bullying, workload & other psych hazards

October 08, 2024 4pm - 5pm

OHS Basics Month: Bullying, workload & other psych hazards


Tackle workload, bullying and harassment in your workplace!

Explore the general duties every employer must fulfill to create a safe psychological working environment and discover the strategies to implement effective controls.

This session was presented by Clay O'Brien.

Clay has been a union organiser since 2013 and has represented workers in early childhood education and care, the Victorian public sector, Corrections (public and private prisons), and local government. Clay has previously trained as a HSR and ARREO permit holder. He has designed and delivered training for union delegates and HSRs regarding worker representation, consultation, and identifying and resolving health and safety issues. Clay was recently appointed to a Project Outreach Officer role to deliver a WorkSafe-funded program addressing psychosocial hazards in local government and community services.

This event has concluded, follow this link for video recording of the live show:

OHS Basics Month 2024 - OHS Reps

Check out and RSVP to the other webinars that we organised for this month OHS Basics Month 2024 - OHS Reps !