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We Are Union VTHC
Melton & Sunbury Doorknock + BBQ

October 08, 2022 9:45am - 1:45pm

Melton & Sunbury Doorknock + BBQ

Join our union army as we doorknock the battleground seats of Melton and Sunbury to have conversations with working people and defeat the Liberal Party machine.

Melton Girl Guides Hall
1 Pinkerton St
Melton, VIC 3337
Google map and directions
Will you come?
How many people are you bringing?
Brendan Soraghan Te Samakowidic Jo Petrini Simon Olden Michael Honan Megan Reeve Tony Mavromatis Tony Piccolo Chris Tricker Jess Mengel Natalie Davies Judith Milne Lisa Fitzpatrick Luke Mansfield Michelle Baldini Emma Parkinson Sean Gordon Ruby Haynes Claire Aldridge Lance Wilson Tobia Zama Soraya Badravandi Ivan Antic Tiffany Gibbons Emilia Pavlovic Dylan Rae-White Damien Wohlfahrt Cameron Warasta Brenda O'Sullivan Luis Barrigos Greg Strickland Penny Sara John Robinson Donna Markwell Hannah Dillon Justin Ramirez Melissa Foster Carly Dober Maddy Harradence Bryan McGlade Joanne Aldous Margaret Blakeney Bec Muratore Neo Williams Danae Bosler Paige Wiles Mietta Stephens Sonia Dones-Marton
Cameron Warasta
[email protected]