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We Are Union VTHC
We Are Union Journal
News from the working class
What do you mean, 'Closing the Loopholes'?

How workers are winning in August

A wrap of red hot worker activism in Victoria 

Sherrin workers on the mark

These members who put together the footies used by the AFL have just won a 10% pay rise over two years.

They were able to do this because they were united and resolved in taking action and as such secured good pay rises that their boss had originally rejected.

The campaign by Sherrin workers goes to show that workers can win good outcomes, even at small sites, when workers stick together!

Journalists strike, resist robots and win!

Have you heard the news? You probably didn't because the Age was on strike!

Journalists for The Age, Sydney Morning Herald, Australian Financial Review and Channel nine took strike action in late July. Management were proposing job cuts and a pay rise that wouldn't allow journalists to keep up with the cost of living.

Congratulations to #MEAAmedia members who secured an in-principle agreement that will deliver an inflation-busting pay rise this year, ethical use of AI in newsrooms and a way forward for freelancers to get a fair deal on pay and conditions.

Biomed engineers start work bans

Professionals Australia Biomedical engineers in Victorian public hospitals commenced industrial action last Tuesday (30 July) – the members were inspired by the nurses EBA win and as a result refused to accept the Government’s wage increase in line with the 3% wages policy. Biomedical engineers usually install, repair and maintain specialist medical equipment in our hospitals, supporting health workers to use the fancy tech that they need to diagnose and treat us. They deserve a real pay rise, as all workers do!

In order to secure wages that will support their families, the biomed engineers are taking industrial action; refusing to repair equipment, refusing to test or trial new equipment, and not 
submitting written reports. The Government needs to come to the table and support these workers so that they can get back to work keeping our hospital equipment ticking over. 

Save REX airlines!

The Federal Government needs to step in to save Rex Airlines. Rex is an important regional carrier, and its administration could lead to hundreds of job losses.

Rex is a vital carrier for regional communities ensuring essential services are delivered where air travel is the only vital option. The Government needs to support our regional communities and it's crucial carrier by intervening now!

Sign the petition here

TAFE Teachers stoppages 

TAFE teachers are still taking one hour stoppages periodically because they haven't had a pay rise in almost two years. Right now, the Labor government, including Premier Jacinta Allan, is not respecting the work that these teachers do.

These workers are paid around $7,000 a year less than the teachers in your average government school. So it's really important that they get a pay rise.

TAFE teachers: Without you, there is no TAFE system, and the skills shortage becomes a skills catastrophe. Without you, the Victorian economy would falter. 

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Na-cho cheese

Sapputo is one of the world's largest dairy chains. But Tasmanian Sapputo workers have been out on  strike for seven weeks. This is a company that made $2.5 billion in Australia last year, but they're demanding the Tasmanian workers make 23% less in wages than their mainland counterparts.

If you'd like to contribute to the fighting fund, donate to the account below:

BSB:  082-057
ACC NUMBER:  18-898-9948
ACCOUNT NAME:  AMWU Disaster Appeal Account
REFERENCE:  Saputo (Your Name)

Bolton Clark Nurses strike back

Big solidarity with our nurses. Nurses at Bolton Clock, which is a big private company that offers homecare, private nursing services. maternal child health advice line, etc,  has offered just a 2% pay rise to its nurses, and that comes with, in some cases, worse conditions overall.

Hundreds of members braved the cold and the mud outside Bolton Clarke’s head office last week for a stop-work and community rally to protest their employer’s insulting EBA offer.

Support the campaign


Victory to the workers! If any of these victories sound exciting to you - show solidarity by joining your union.
