Politicians follow votes, which means they follow people. Together, we as workers campaign to mobilise community support for the things that really matter.
Do you want a government that focuses on cutting services, reducing protections for the vulnerable people and throwing money at the already-rich?
Or do you believe in supporting workers to win better wages and conditions and fighting back against corporate greed?
Do you want a government that points the finger at migrants and unemployed people as the source of our problems?
Or do you want communities powered by good jobs, renewable energy, affordable housing and social infrastructure?
We know that when we campaign together on the issues that matter, we can force the politicians to take notice. The Liberals exist to cut our wages and fight our unions, but we know we can win good reforms from the other side of the aisle... if we make them listen and hold them to account.
Our volunteers are out changing the face of political campaigning right now. Are you with us?
Politicians follow votes, which means they follow people. Together, we as workers campaign to mobilise community support for the things that really matter.
Politicians follow votes, which means they follow people. Together, we as workers campaign to mobilise community support for the things that really matter.