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“Just what the doctor ordered” - A COVID-recovery budget that puts healthcare jobs in focus

The Victorian Trades Hall Council (VTHC) has welcomed the Victorian Government’s budget for delivering what Victorian workers need right now – significant and targeted investment in health, education and jobs. 


As the state recovers from a global pandemic, we particularly welcome a historic investment in health. This commitment to the Victorian healthcare system will allow Victorians to live in better health and access more timely treatment.  It will also have a seismic impact in creating jobs across this state.   

This budget delivers more jobs – thousands of them - across healthcare, education and infrastructure.  

VTHC believes that further significant investment in TAFE is necessary to ensure Victorian workers are able to access training and jobs; and notes that cuts within the public service will ultimately undermine the state’s economic recovery. Public servants will be key to delivering a COVID recovery and should be fully funded and supported to do their work. 

Quotes attributable to Wil Stracke, Acting Secretary, Victorian Trades Hall Council 

“Investment in healthcare creates jobs. This healthcare budget will be a shot in the arm for Victoria’s economy – just what the doctor ordered.” 

“This is a state government that has committed a ground-breaking investment in physical infrastructure – including schools - over the past 7 years, and is now committing itself to healthcare infrastructure with the same zeal.” 

“Healthcare is a female dominated industry, and the effect of investing in this key industry will assist in addressing gender inequality in this state.” 

“While we commend the Andrews Government’s vision in funding the healthcare sector, we also note that public service workers have been asked to make sacrifices for the Government’s budgeting ambitions.” 


For media inquiries, contact VTHC Communications Team Lead, Edwina Byrne – 0409 017 140 

