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Summer reading

Beach-reads recommendations from your comrades at Trades Hall.

Ed, Communications & Media team

Chai time at Cinnamon Gardens because colonialism, racism, identity and culture but also ageing, love and family.

And "Mother Jones's" autobiography because there's a story of women strikers who are imprisoned but eventually released because they sang loudly and badly enough that they became a nuisance to the town.


Clare, Political advisor

Alison Penningtons Gen F'd and I just read Small Things Like These by Claire Keegan, a little novella about the power and abuse of the catholic church in Ireland, took 2hrs to read and it was beautifully written - 10/10 recommendation.


Nadine, Women's Team

Hood Feminism - Great read about intersectional feminism!


James, Young Workers Centre

Ursula Le Guin's The Dispossessed because Ursula presents a beautifully flawed utopia, I love sci fi and this is my fave. Also Hank Green's two part series, "The Carls" - it's YA fiction but a quick read and enjoyable escapism if you're a lame millennial nerdfighter like me.


Ioannis, Campaigns team

No Shortcuts: Organising for Power by Jane McAlevey


Antony, Building manager

I've just read the first of Garry Disher's Hirsch series. Going to read the other three over summer. Its outback australian noir.


Matt, Migrant Workers Centre

Crossing the Line by Kim McGrath. For fifty years, Australia has schemed to deny East Timor billions of dollars of oil and gas wealth.

Cassie, Communications & Media team

A Long Petal of the Sea. Isabel Allende is always a good read, and the story goes from the Spanish Civil War to the rise and fall of Pinochet

Reece, OHS team

Reclaiming the State - Because it's the best book I've read about the economic history of neoliberalism, the crisis of social democracy and the importance of state sovereignty in revitalising left politics and stemming the rise of the far-right.

Danae, Chief of Staff

A Thousand Mornings by Mary Oliver, The Triggering Town by Richard Hugo - joyous working class poetry

Tiarne, Political advisor

My fave books from this year unrelated to anything:

Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow - Gabrielle Zevin

Yellow Face - David Henry Hwang

Year of Wonders - Geraldine Brooks




Caro, Women's Team

There There - This one moved my heart. Tough reading, beautiful writing.

The Nursery

Drop Bear

Freedom is a constant struggle

How many more women? 


Ethan, Communications & Media team

This was my favourite for the year - Beyond the Wall by Katja Hoyer: The definitive new history of East Germany by a highly acclaimed young historian. 

Liz, OHS team

A Seventh Man by John Berger-- beautiful book about the importance of migrant workers to society , and looks at why and how these jobs exist. The copy I had featured photos by Jean Moher as well which complemented the writing beautifully!
