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We Are Union VTHC
We Are Union Journal
News from the working class
What do you mean, 'Closing the Loopholes'?

Student teachers need a wage!

In Victoria right now, there is a teacher shortage crisis.

One part of the solution to this is getting more people to study to become teachers.

The Universities Accord recommends the introduction of paid mandatory placements.

Pre-service teachers in Victoria are required to complete up to 80 days of unpaid professional placement. This makes it really difficult to balance their unpaid placement with their regular paid job and cover rent, food, transport, and other living expenses. Many are forced to defer their studies to save up money, extend their course completion time, or drop out of their studies because of the financial burden. This ultimately reduces the number of new teachers entering the workforce.

We call on the Education Minister Ben Carroll to ensure the recommendation for paid placements for all pre-service teachers is implemented without delay.

Pre-service teachers need as much support as they can get to complete their studies and enter the workforce.

Over the weekend Federal Education Minister, Jason Clare, released the Australian Universities Accord.

The report contains 47 recommendations, including:

  • Increasing student income support,
  • Reducing student contributions,
  • Reforming HELP repayment arrangements,
  • And of course, Introducing payment for mandatory placements
  • The government’s own report is calling for paid placements! Now we need them to stand up and deliver.

We know that paid placements for pre-service teachers will have a huge and positive impact on those studying teaching. It will also help make sure young people in Victoria are getting the best education possible.

Minister Ben Carroll: Be bold. Stand up. Implement paid placements for all pre-service teachers.


29 Apr
WorkSafe-approved training to help HSRs and DHSRs understand and exercise their...
Melbourne, VIC 3000, Australia,
3 May
6pm -
  Join comrades old and new, as we dance the night...
6 May
WorkSafe-approved training to help HSRs and DHSRs understand and exercise their...
7 11 Fullard Rd, Narre Warren, VIC 3805, Australia,
6 May
3pm -
Walk in the footsteps of John Curtin, Zelda D'Aprano, Bob Hawke...
Trades Hall
54 Victoria St, Carlton, VIC 3053, Australia,