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We Are Union VTHC
Eastern Doorknock 2022

October 22, 2022 10am - 2pm

Eastern Doorknock 2022

The biggest event of the Eastern campaign! This is the one event not to miss!

On Saturday the 22nd of October, we will be knocking on hundreds of doors across Ashwood and Ringwood and having crucial conversations with locals about what's at risk under a Liberal state government. 

The way we win elections is through workers having these conversations with other workers, letting them know that if they don't put the Liberals last, the Liberals will put them last instead. 

Getting out and knocking on doors just before the polls open is the best thing you can do to keep the Liberals out and protect all that we have fought for over the years.

Wear a union shirt and bring any friends along who are keen to keep the Libs out!

Join us and make a difference for workers out in the East by RSVPing below! 

Forest Hill Uniting Church
Will you come?
Darren Foelmli Fiona Herman Mark Edwards Helen Cole Rhonda Small Ian McCallum Jacinta Ashby Alex Blennerhassett David Neil Paul Jeffares Dave Hawkins Ian McSporran Osakwe Buntine Celeste Davies Josip Frelih Bryan McGlade Susanne Provis Wayne Bruce Chris Barron Danny Humphrey Belinda Clark Sam Carey Joseph Youssef Melanie Sheridan Shannon Crundwell James Lauchland Michelle Wynne Alex Schlotzer Kate Aitken Monica Fly Alex Snowball Rachel Halse Dylan Clements Mathew Chuk Harsimranjit Singh Alan Wang Ruth Johanne James Talbett Joe Montero Tracey Lidsey Luke Bowman Ray Hylard Allegra Pilati Declan Dubout Jacynta Trieu Dave Harris John Islip Ethan Briffa
Phoebe Cotton