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We Are Union VTHC
We Are Union Journal
News from the working class
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Union Women Stay Out

This International Womens Day, union women are taking a stand against Australia's gender pay gap and the rapidly increasing number of women becoming homeless, by staying out at Trades Hall.

On an average basis, Australia is one of the richest countries in the world. But every night more than 122,000 people in Australia experience homelessness.

While people of all ages and backgrounds are at risk of homelessness, older women are amongst the most vulnerable. Women experience wage discrimination throughout our working lives, we are more likely to be in precarious employment, and we are still denied superannuation payments on parental leave.

Significantly, 42% of requests for support for homeless services are because of family violence.

As a statement of commitment to ending the economic and social injustices at the root of homelessness, union women from AMWU, CFMEU, and HACSU are staying out at Trades Hall to raise money for McAuley House, a support and accommodation service for women experiencing homelessness. 

Women united will never be defeated!
