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We Are Union VTHC
OHS Training Unit

High-quality training that is practical, solution-focused and WorkSafe approved.

HSRs Right to Training
When workers are elected as health and safety representatives (HSRs) or deputies for their designated work groups (DWGs), it is important that they be trained so that they are able to be able to carry out their role and functions. VTHC recommends that HSRs and deputies attend a training course as soon as possible after they have been elected, as this will give them the tools to confidently represent their fellow members.

Under Victorian legislation, once a worker has been elected as the health and safety representative for their DWG, that person is entitled to exercise all the powers and rights of reps under the OHS Act (More information on the powers and rights of elected reps and their role). That is, even if an elected OHS Rep has not attended training, that person still has the right to represent their DWG, raise issues with their employer, and if necessary, issue PINs, Cease Works, and so on.

For a full run down of HSR training entitlements click here.

  • “A highly fun and educational week.” 
    - Alex, Customer Service
  • “A really well thought out course that had an excellent facilitator. Looking forward to the refresher” 
    - Em, Office Co-Ordinator
  • “Very informal, easy to understand. I took back so much information to make my position as a more informed HSR more enjoyable.” 
    - Karen, Confectioner

Courses offered:

5 Day Training Course for Elected HSRs & Deputy HSRs under the Victorian OHS Act 2004.
Yearly, 1 Day HSR Refresher OHS Training Course for HSRs and Deputy HSRs who have completed the 5 Day HSR Initial OHS Training Course to keep their knowledge of OHS law and practice up-to-date.
1 Day HSR Refresher OHS Training Course focusing on Work-related gendered violence, including sexual harassment.
Tailored HSR Initial & Refresher OHS Training Courses for workers in the education sector, from early childhood education through to tertiary. 5 Day HSR Initial OHS Training OR 1 Day HSR Refresher OHS Training.
A 2 Day course providing an overview for managers, supervisors and committee members regarding their responsibilities in relation to all OHS matters (though not a replacement for the 5 Day HSR Initial OHS Training Course).
VTHC is authorised to deliver the 5 Day HSR Comcare Initial Training Course and the 1 Day HSR Comcare Refresher Training Course under the auspices of the Australian Council of Trade Unions. The Comcare Training Courses are for elected HSRs and Deputy HSRs.
We provide training that focuses on eradicating gendered violence from the workplace.
ARREO Training Course An Health and Safety Rep has the power to seek assistance from any person. The person may be within the workplace, for example, another HSR or employee, or a person with sufficient knowledge of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) outside the workplace, for example, a union official or an authorised representative of a registered employee organisation (ARREO). To hold an entry permit as an ARREO (Authorised representatives of registered employee organisation) you must have completed a WorkSafe-approved training course before obtaining an entry permit from the Magistrates' Court. VTHC is approved by WorkSafe to deliver this important training.  Union officials will leave the training course with sufficient knowledge of Victorian OHS and a certificate to submit to the Magistrates' Court. More information about the ARREOs is available here. Recognised Prior Learning If participants have completed the WorkSafe-approved HSR Initial OHS training course within the last 5 years they may be eligible to apply for Recognised Prior Learning and to complete only part B of the ARREO training course. Please register and we will be in touch to discuss. Details: Course hours: 9am - 5pmCourse length: Part A is 2 days and Part B normally takes place in a subsequent week over 2 days.Course fee: $500 incl. GST for part A and $500 incl. GST for part B. Courses require a minimum of 6 participants to proceed. In the event that courses do not meet this requirement, those enrolled will be contacted to re-schedule. To Register Please Follow these Steps Step 1: Choose a training date on the training calendar here Step 2: RSVP on your chosen dates event page. Step 3: Complete registration page and submit. Step 4: Receive enrolment confirmation. Please note: you must submit a completed registration form in order to be enrolled on a course. TRAINING DATES   Date Location  ...